Notting Hill Cat/Kitten Boarding,Cat Sitting Notting Hill ,Cat Sitting Kensington,Cat Sitting Holland Park,Cat Sitting Maida Vale,Cat Sitting Shepherds Bush,Cat Sitting Queens Park,Cat Sitting,Cat Sitting Ladbroke Grove

Notting Hill Cat Boarding: Kensington Cat Boarding, Holland Park Cat Boarding, Maida Vale Cat Boarding, Shepherds BushCat Boarding, Queens Park Cat Boarding, Regents Park Cat Boarding, Paddington Cat Boarding, Ladbrooke Grove Cat Boarding, Queensway Cat Boarding
Cat Boarding Terms & Conditions
Duty of Care
1.1 Notting Hill Cat Company (from here-on known as “NHCC”) highly respects the clients trust with the care of their pet and where necessary, having access to the client’s property. No personal information will be shared with or sold to 3rd parties.
1.2 NHCC will utilise their skill and knowledge to ensure the standards of care provided to the animals and any property is appropriate.
1.3 A change in a pet’s routine and circumstances can cause varying degrees of distress and unpredictable or abnormal behaviour, particularly if their owner is on holiday - pets have no concept or ability to understand their owner’s absence is temporary and they will be coming back. NHCC understand this and will offer comfort and reassurance whilst trying, as far as is practically possible, to maintain their normal daily routines.
1.4 It is important that all information & instruction to NHCC is given in writing by the client. Misunderstandings can arise via verbal instruction
Your Cat
2.1 Should your pet become ill during your absence and whilst under the care of NHCC, the client will be informed as soon as practically possible.
2.2 In the event that your pet needs to be taken to a veterinary surgeon in case of an emergency, all efforts will be made to take your pet to your registered veterinary practice. Should this not be possible (out of surgery hours or if distance is an issue) NHCC has the right to take your pet to the nearest veterinary practice for treatment.
2.3The client will be responsible for any treatment charges incurred as a result. Whilst every effort will be made to keep the client informed before any emergency procedure, NHCC reserves the right to instruct the veterinary surgeon to undertake any procedure in the effort to keep your cat alive until the client instructs further.
2.4 Should the veterinary surgeon decide that your pet needs to be euthanised (due to painful illness or injury), NHCC will not be liable for the loss of your pet.
2.5 In the event that your pet should die due to unforeseen circumstances or natural causes, NHCC will not be held liable for any loss.
2.6 Any change in a pet’s medical history must be reported to NHCC in writing, as pet care relies upon the accuracy of this information.
2.7 Dangerous or aggressive pets: Whilst NHCC can work with pets with mild behavioural problems; this will be at the sole discretion of NHCC. Should the pet at any time be deemed a danger to people or other animals, NHCC reserves the right to give immediate notice of care and cease care once the pet has been returned to the client.
2.8 The client will indemnify NHCC against any damage or injury caused by the cat towards any property, person or other animal. This will include, but is not limited to veterinary, medical and legal fees.
2.9 Should NHCC sustain an injury due to your pet, the client will be responsible for any medical treatment to NHCC that arises as a result.
2.10 In the event of a cats behaviour exceeding what would be considered normal or acceptable towards people or other animals, NHCC shall, in their sole discretion take whatever action they consider necessary in the best interest of the animal and other animals or people which may be encountered. In extreme circumstances termination of this contract and placing the cat in a cattery.
2.11 It shall be the client’s sole responsibility to ensure that NHCC is fully aware of any health issues your cat is experiencing, or has suffered in the past. NHCC cannot be held liable for any actions or omissions which result in problems or complications for anything not disclosed.
3.1 It is a requirement that all cats are treated for, fleas and at appropriate intervals. All cats are required to show proof of up to date vaccinations for
Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) Feline herpesvirus (FHV) Feline calicivirus (FCV)
3.2 All cats must be neutered
3.3 NHCC is insured for boarding services, however pets must be fully litter trained. Any damage to the boarding host's furniture or carpets will be liable for cleaning or repair costs by the owner.
3.4 Only one pet (or two from the same household) will be boarded at any one time.
3.5 The client will supply enough of their cat/s usual food to last the duration of their stay.
3.6 Special dietary requirements will be administered as supplied and requested by the client.
3.7 All reasonable efforts will be made to administer oral medication or to apply external treatments as directed by the client of which .
However if required Veterinary assistance may be requested at the client's cost without prior consultation.
3.8 Pets will not be left unattended for more than 4 hours at a time.
3.9 Where there is cat protected out door space cats are only allowed access with clients consent. Consent is requested via online or printed form.
3.10 Should your cat become distressed and doesn't settle in the home of the boarding host, or causes a nuisance; the boarding host has the right to place the cat in an appropriate cattery. Should this happen, the owner will be liable for transfer & cattery costs. NHCC will however refund any boarding cost remaining on the assignment.
4.1 A 20% deposit is required to secure clients booking.
4.2 Full payment for the assignment is due 14 day prior to the first date of boarding.
Boarding rates are charged per 24 hours. Delays in collection will be charged accordingly.
4.3 The client shall provide sufficient food, for the duration of the cat boarding service. In the event that items need to be purchased where insufficient quantities were left by the client, the client shall reimburse NHCC upon production of a receipt for the products, plus an additional £12 shopping charge
5.1 If a booking is cancelled after the confirmation invoice has been issued and emailed to the client, and up to 15 days before the service start date, a £20 admin fee will be charged.
5.2. If a booking is cancelled within 14 days and up to 72 hours before the service start date, 25% of the total invoice fee will be charged, plus the £20 admin fee.
5.3. If a booking is cancelled within 72 hours and up to 48 hours before the service start date, 50% of the total invoice fee will be charged, plus the £20 admin fee.
5.4 If a booking is cancelled with less than 48 hours of the service start date, 100% of the total invoice fee will be charged, plus the £20 admin fee.
5.5 Once a booking is confirmed by NHCC, it will not be cancelled by NHCC unless in the case of an absolute emergency. Should this happen, NHCC make every reasonable effort to help the client find a replacement pet carer.
5.6 Should NHCC not be in a position to fulfil the assignment due to such an emergency, any fees already paid will be refunded in full.
Insurance and Liability
6.1 NHCC has insurance with PBI (Pet Business Insurance) which covers Public Liability up to £3,000,000, Professional Indemnity up to £250,000, Employers Liability up to 10,000,000.00 and loss of key insurance to the value of £2,000.
6.2 NHCC will not be held liable for any damage to your property by your cat(s).
6.3 NHCC recommends that all clients take out relevant insurance for their cats.
Photographs or videos of your Cat/s
7.1 Any cat carer working with NHCC, has the right to take photos or video clips of pets and use them on the website, Social Media pages or printed promotional matter. Under no circumstances will personal & identifying information of the cat's owner be displayed or revealed. The pet's name may however be used. If this consent is not given, please advise on the registration form under the "Any Additional Information" section.